CAD Models
Angled View
This is a CAD model of the box we plan to build to hold all the technology required to obtain data in a efficient and accurate manner. This CAD design is just an idea to start with and will be improved later on. The user will align his feet inside the box with the two openings at the bottom. The black box on the top represents the camera, which will be taking a picture of the feet from an aerial view.
Side View
A side view of the box shows how the angle at which is camera is placed in order to fully capture pictures of both feet.
“Basement” View
As our goal is to capture pictures of the feet from above and below, this represents the area beneath the platform that the user will place his feet. The camera will towards the front of the box, vertically aligned with the other camera. This is also where the pressure sensors that will track when the user has stepped on the platform to jumpstart the data collecting.
Aerial View
An aerial view of the box shows both cameras vertically aligned with another. The model of this box could possibly get redesigned depending on whether we want the user to have the ability to place their feet on the platform from the through the top. However, this shows the idea we are trying to implement. As you can also see, the platform that the user will place his feet on will be transparent in order to capture the pictures from below.